Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thrifty tips for a chance to win a product giveaway!

With the recent state of our economy, I know I'm not the only one out there interested in ways to make more money, save money, become a bit more frugal, etc.
I'm so interested in your ideas, I'm willing to resort to how about a giveaway?! Below is a photo of the goodies! There are 9 patterned papers, alpha stickers, die cut tag sheet, sticker sheet, rubons, scalloped shimmer note cards & envies, brads, flowers, rickrack, faux jewels, and a pack of photo anchors.

Share your tips, blogs or website links that relate to becoming more frugal, stretching those hard earned dollars a bit further, crafting on a budget, making money at home, and so on. Basically, if you have a tip that has a positive impact on your financial life- share it!
You have until Saturday night @ midnight (March 22, 2009) to enter. For each tip, I will enter your name once into the drawing for a chance to win the goodies. Enter a 2nd tip and your name will be added to the drawing twice! Good luck!


  1. One thing I always do is shop off season. As soon as St Pats day is over..get the goodies for next year. I do the same for Easter and all other holidays. I also made all my Christmas gifts this year. I had fun doing them and the receivers loved that I spent time on their gifts. I call that a win win. I also check my stores often for sales.. The only way to buy is on discount.

  2. watch for coupons - subscribe to coupon cabin - wait for sales, everything usually goes on sale & recycle paper products on your pages

  3. Besides coupons and such (which no matter what I ALWAYS forget about), I love trash picking. Not necessarily dumpster picking per-say, but I save lots of things, in hopes that I could make them into things- old chairs people have thrown out, drink mix tins, you name it, I save it. I also wrote a post on my blog about other thrifty things here:
    on my blog.

  4. This may sound silly but I have been limiting my trips to the store. I can't buy stuff if I am not there. And less trips mean less temptation. It also makes me plan ahead for meals which I base around what is in the pantry and on sale each week.

  5. I'm totally into getting to be a wise shopper and not a big spender LOL, here's what I do
    1. avail of the discount coupons and watch out for the sale
    2. shop with friends, that way we can buy in bulk and just share, like paper pads and cardstocks for example
    3. recycle!I usually use product packagings as gift boxes and my paper scraps for cards and tags

  6. When it comes to scrapbooking - I always cut the back out of my cardstock backgounds if it is being covered my another sheet - i then use this for matting.

    ON the food front - i menu plan and write my shopping list according to the plan - and it really makes a difference to my shopping budge

  7. Buy your Christmas presents all year round and catch the sales.

  8. I offered to work one crop a month at my lss for store credit and I have vowed to not spend more than the credit! So far so good and I've got an employee discount to boot!

  9. Consider using that existing stash you've been hoarding and sell your handmade goods on Etsy! I found this story on how to start a business on Etsy. The article actually pointed to posts from Design Sponge, an amazing blog, regarding Etsy.

    eHow also provides an article on how to start a business on Etsy.

    Good luck making a profit!

  10. I have started shopping on the off season for my kids. I bought cold weather just the other day at 50% off for next fall and winter. Also with my little daughter who doesn't seem to be growing much I buy the pants that have the size straps inside and that also have the buttons to change for capris in the summer...she may even be small enough to wear them for two years!

  11. Wow, good ideas from everyone. I make myself use things I have in my craft room. It stretches my imagination. You could also shop garage sales. One person's trash is another's treasure.

  12. Some things we do around our house: turn off lights when not needed, recycle water (we are on rain water tanks), buy in bulk (flour, sugar, rice, washing liquid etc), grow our own vegetables :D

  13. I have several tips. 1. Look to reuse your packaging--punch clear elements out of the plastic; use the color samples on the package to make inchies or for punches or even an element or embellie; use the chipboard off of paper pads for crafting: 2. Never shop except off the clearance or sale rack--you can usually find what you need or love on sale if you're patient: 3. Coupons...clip and use and you can save! I sometimes save 30-50 dollars on a single grocery bill!

  14. I keep an eye out for metal fashion belts at thrift stores. For a couple of dollars, I get at lease a dozen metal flowers, butterflies etc. All I have to do, is unlink them and I have lots of emblishments for cards and scrapbook layouts.

  15. I try to by a season ahead when things are on clearance so that when that season rolls around I have things already and got them for a great deal.

  16. I know the contest is over, but wanted to give you a link to my blog. I have always been a frugal scrapper and have many frugal projects, tips 'n techniques, trash 'n my stash projects, etc.

    My blog is:

    Feel free to use any ideas there and leave me a comment. I'd love to hear from you:)

    P.S. Great projects on your site!
