Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Well, we're back! Hope everyone's holidays were relaxing and filled with friends, food and fun. Looks like it's time to get back to work and school. For me, that means getting back into a routine and hopefully having time to get more scrapping done.

I wanted to share this page with you today. I love flowers. I have so many of them that I could use them on every project I create and still have tons left over. Since I'm the only female in my household, I usually use them on cards, layouts about me, or altered projects. But, I do sometimes use them on masculine pages, too. This page is an example of how to add them without making the page look too 'girly'. First, I started with a strong plaid backgound. I used small flowers and embellished them with buttons and star jewels. That way the flowers work as an accent, and your eyes aren't immediately drawn to them. Finally, I adhered the red and white cord around the circles to add some more texture to the page. And, yes, the journaling lines ARE all stitched. ;)

So, don't be afraid to add flowers to layouts about the men in your life. They add a beautiful touch to the page AND you can use up your stash!

Have a great day! ~Anabelle


  1. THUD - yes, that was the sound of my jaw hitting the desk! Stitched journaling lines?!?! BRILLIANT. So, what came first, the chicken or the egg? (i.e., did you journal then stitch, or the other way around?) Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

  2. Great way to add journaling, Anabelle! LOVE everything.

  3. Super cute!!!
    I have a question, too! On your title, the letters, did you outline a die cut? How do you get 'that look'????
